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- INFO-HAMS Digest Thu, 19 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 781
- Today's Topics:
- Cellular Tel Info Needed
- News From OSCAR-11 13Oct89
- Phonepatches to San Fransisco
- RC on 6M
- Yaesu FT790MKII for OSCAR?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 20 Oct 89 00:22:21 GMT
- From: psuvm!auvm!redelman@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (Richard B. Edelman)
- Subject: Cellular Tel Info Needed
- Can anyone recommend a good >>technical<< book on how cellular telephone
- works?
- Thanks,
- Dick KH6RE
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Oct 89 01:49:03 GMT
- From: unisoft!hoptoad!peora!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (John Magliacane Wall Township NJ)
- Subject: News From OSCAR-11 13Oct89
- TODAY'S DATE IS 14 /10 /89
- UNIVERSAL TIME IS 14 :51 :29 DAY 7
- WOD COMMENCED 14 /10 /89 AT 0 :0 :10
- WITH CHANNELS 10 ,11 ,19 ,29 ,
- **** UoSAT-OSCAR-11 BULLETIN - 200 13th October 1989 ****
- University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, England
- ** UoSAT-OSCAR-9 **
- Current information suggests that UoSAT-OSCAR-9 re-entered the earth's
- atmosphere and burned up on the morning of Friday 13th October, after over 8
- years of operation. The last telemetry received in the UK was at 22:00 GMT on
- Thursday 12th October. The University of Surrey Command Station would be
- interested in receiving any telemetry taken after this time.
- ** UoSAT-D and -E Status **
- Two weeks ago, Arianespace postponed the launch of the rocket which is to
- carry SPOT-2, UoSATs-D and -E and the four Microsats into orbit. Early this
- week, UoSAT and AMSAT teams were formally notified that the new launch date is
- 19 January, 1990; the launch campaign will start some six weeks earlier, at
- the end of November.
- The launch delay will allow for more thorough testing of UoSAT-D and -E. This
- began on 29 Sept., when engineers from the European Space Agency Technical
- Center (ESTEC) came to perform final check-out of the Transputer Data
- Processing Experiment (TDPE) and its interface to the UoSAT-E CCD camera.
- These tests demonstrated the potential complexity and flexibility of the
- UoSAT-D/E onboard data handling system: Groundstation software was used to
- load TDPE programs as "blocks" to the standard UoSAT FORTH DIARY running on
- the 1802 On-Board Computer (OBC). The OBC then loaded these programs to the
- TDPE using the Transputers' built-in serial bootloaders using the UoSAT Data
- Sharing (DASH) bus. The TDPE then commanded the CCD camera to take a picture,
- the picture was transferred from the camera to TDPE at 5 Megabits/Second, and
- finally the TDPE downloaded the image at 9600 bits/sec. to the "groundstation"
- using a simple asynchronous packet format.
- The optics and the electronics of the UoSAT-E CCD camera were designed by
- engineers at UoSAT. The design is expected to provide Earth imaging with a
- resolution of approximately 2.7 kilometres and an image size of 740 x 960 km.
- The image is 386 pixels X 244 pixels with 8-bits of grey scale per pixel.
- Images will be transmitted on the UoSAT-E downlink to all radio amateurs,
- probably using AX.25 packet radio (generated by yet another on-board computer,
- a CMOS Z80).
- The mandatory flight-acceptance vibration tests were conducted this week back
- at the Royal Aerospace Establishment, and both satellites passed without
- hitch. UoSAT-D and -E are now in the clean room at the University of Surrey,
- where they will undergo nearly two months of operational tests, and provide
- testing grounds for the PACSAT and experimental software which is now under
- development at Surrey.
- ** $BID **
- Please use BID $UOSAT.200 for PR BBS use.
- --
- UUCP : ucbvax!rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd
- PACKET : KD2BD @ NN2Z (John)
- ..."There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to
- avoid the real labor of thinking." ....Sir Joshua Reynolds.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 18:03:07 GMT
- From: vsi1!wyse!stevew@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Steve Wilson xttemp dept303)
- Subject: Phonepatches to San Fransisco
- In article <2511@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> jlulejia@jarthur.UUCP (John J. Lulejian) writes:
- > Stuff deleted due primarily to length
- >
- >John Lulejian, KA6TCY
- >President, Claremont Colleges ARC
- First off, I responded directly to the original poster in a similar manner
- but from a different perspective, I'm an EC for the city of Milpitas here
- in Santa Clara county.
- John's statment about most of the real emergency traffic being handled on
- VHF is accurate. There is also a REAL balancing act about accepting
- third party Health&Welfare(H&W) traffic. The situation THIS TIME was
- that there were a large number of HF operators with working phones
- in the local area who could accept H&W traffic as was apparently the
- same case in the Mexico quake. This wan't the case in the Armenian
- quake, etc, and there still is THOUSANDS of peices of traffic that
- are being held by a certain ham that have yet to be delivered to Armenia!
- Moral of the story is be responsible! Don't promise what you can't deliver,
- and simply use common sense! If you hear lotsa different stations in the
- effected area accepting H&W traffic then go for it. If you hear a couple
- stations on the air and all they are passing is messages like "we need
- generators," or "send the National Guard" don't break in with your H&W
- traffic because the have more important things to handle!
- The people here who are accepting H&W traffic aren't really interfereing
- with the important stuff at hand, if they try we just tell them to
- go handle it themselves because we're to busy.
- Hope that clarifies the situations.
- 73's all de Steve KA6S
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 20:27:13 GMT
- From: philmtl!philabs!ttidca!sorgatz@uunet.uu.net ( Avatar)
- Subject: RC on 6M
- In article <98.253A1033@linkit.linkit.wd5efc.ampr.org> Chris.Boone@linkit.linkit.wd5efc.ampr.org (Chris Boone) writes:
- + (dont forget the new 6M freqs...donot use the 53Mhz
- +range!!!!!the 50.8-51Mhz range is NOW the area for RCs)
- +
- No offense, OM, but most of us in 6 land _DO USE_ the 53MHz freqs for R/C
- because of the simple fact that the QRP nature of R/C transmitters tends to
- not disturb VHF Television Channel 2. Now I know that in NEWINGTON, CONN
- this is of no great concern, since they don't use TV Ch 2, but here it's a
- matter of survival! The ARRL 6 meter band plan is badly out of tune...look
- at the band plans that SMIRK (HQ for which is in 5 land, I believe..) or
- the Southern California Six Meter Club have offered. They put the LOW POWER
- device operation at the top of the band, and repeaters a bit lower; for
- this very reason. 50.5 - 51 is used for simplex around here.
- '73! and Happy Landings,
- --
- -Avatar-> (aka: Erik K. Sorgatz) KB6LUY +-------------------------+
- Citicorp(+)TTI *----------> panic trap; type = N+1 *
- 3100 Ocean Park Blvd. (213) 450-9111, ext. 2973 +-------------------------+
- Santa Monica, CA 90405 {csun,philabs,randvax,trwrb}!ttidca!ttidcb!sorgatz **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 22:59:57 GMT
- From: psuvm!afz1@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu
- Subject: Yaesu FT790MKII for OSCAR?
- Hello all ---
- Has anyone out there any experience with the Yaesu all mode 440 rig?
- I am particularly interested in how well it works for OSCARs.
- Pse direct any comments via e-mail or packet.
- tnx es 73 de Ahmad, N3FLX/9M2DX.
- e-mail : afz1@psuvm.bitnet
- Packet : n3flx@wa7sso.pa.usa.na
- -------
- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- << >>
- << Ahmad F. M. Zain Bitnet : afz1@psuvm >>
- << 316 Communications and Space Science Lab Packet : N3FLX@WA7SSO >>
- << Pennsylvania State University 9M2DX@9M2BBS >>
- << University Park, PA 16802. "Time is Life" >>
- << >>
- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #781
- **************************************